So many ways to save and do life your way.
Find a savings account for you
Everything Savings
Earn a great interest rate on your savings.
Premier Savings
Earn a high interest rate for higher balances.
Statement Savings
Enjoy unlimited withdrawals from a savings account.
Passbook Savings
An account with a permanent passbook record.
Everything Savings
Open NowPremier Savings
Open NowStatement Savings
Open NowPassbook Savings
Open Now
Minimum To Open
Minimum Balance
Monthly Service Fee
$25 if minimum balance not met
No charge
No charge
Statement Options
Free electronic or mailed
Free electronic or mailed
Free electronic or $3 mailed

Checking + Savings
The power of checking and saving together means easy access to all your accounts in one place, and the ability to quickly and securely transfer funds.

Need help developing a savings plan? Our savings calculators can get you started.
We're here to help 1-800-242-2265
Dollar Bank representatives are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Email us:
*ATM withdrawals, transfers and deposits.
**Banking card fees will be waived for any calendar month when the following minimum balance requirement is maintained: Savings average monthly balance of $2,500