Correspondent Lending
Find the key to increasing your customer portfolio
As a mutual bank, Dollar Bank does not answer to shareholders. Dollar Bank has assets of more than $11.5 billion and we currently work with over 45 correspondent partners in over 35 states.
When you partner with Dollar Bank as a correspondent lender, you can expect to establish a long-lasting relationship with a high level of personalized service that offers aggressively priced Jumbo ARMs and Fixed Rate Mortgages. We have the mortgage products you need to increase your loan volume and bottom line.

General requirements for correspondent relationship
- A minimum net worth of $5 million
- Warehouse line
- Two years audited financial statements (and parent company, if applicable)
- Current resumes of principal officers and supervisory staff
- Minimum of three investor references
- Private mortgage insurance reference
- Review of your quality control plan
Gain the key to increasing your customer portfolio. Our seasoned experts are ready to provide you with a professional, fast and friendly experience. For more information or to become a partner, call 412-261-4287 or fill out the contact form below.
Mortgage products and disclosures
View our Mortgage Product Guidelines and ARM Disclosures.
Mortgage Product Guidelines:
ARM Disclosures:
We're here to help 412-261-4287
Dollar Bank's Correspondent Lending representatives are available Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM.
Contact our correspondent lending experts