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Be Dollar Wise
Resources and insights you need to know from our banking experts.
How Women Can Approach Wealth Management with Confidence

The traditional model of household finances being managed primarily by men is being replaced by a new, more equitable model. Increasingly, women are taking on the role of household CFO. If you are a woman seeking to grow your wealth and manage it wisely, these tips may help. 

Protect Yourself from Cyber and Phone Scams

Nearly everyone is at risk of becoming a target of cyber and phone scams. However, there are some steps you can take to avoid being the next victim! Learn more about how to keep your finances safe from scammers.

How Business Insurance Protects Your Company — and You

Businesses and their leaders face financial risks associated with potential lawsuits, employee injuries, car accidents, cyberattacks and other adverse situations. For un- or underinsured companies, the damage can be severe. Business insurance offers protection for your company, your employees, your livelihood and your personal finances. Do you have adequate coverage in place?

Agility Matters: How to Build a Nimbler Business

Agility — the ability to pivot or adapt quickly in response to setbacks, surprises, threats and opportunities — can be a critical differentiator for businesses and while it is an amazing attribute for a company, agility doesn’t just happen; it requires a proactive approach. Here are some actions you can take to build more agility into your business:

Debt Consolidation: What It Is and How to Use It

If you are among the many Americans trying to navigate unwieldy credit card and/or loan balances or payments, debt consolidation may be a helpful option for you. Qalified borrowers who can secure a lower, fixed interest rate can save money on monthly payments as well as the total cost of carrying their debt.

What Falling Interest Rates Could Mean to You and the Economy

When interest rates are lower, consumers and business owners can borrow money at a lower rate. That can make it more affordable to buy cars, homes, business equipment and other big-ticket items that require a loan. Many consumers and business owners have been waiting for this moment, when lower interest rates help put homebuying, business expansion and other important goals back within reach.

Provide Customers with Convenient Payment Options

Customers want their payment experience to be fast, easy and secure. Merchant services enable you to accept and process a variety of payment types, from credit, debit and gift cards to mobile payments. Your customers aren’t the only ones who can benefit from the convenience and security of merchant services; your business can benefit, too.

From Plan to Profit: How to Start a Small Business

Small business is booming in the United States as more and more aspiring entrepreneurs are looking to make their mark. If you are among those considering taking the leap, the following steps can help you prepare to launch your business.

Don’t Let Scammers Ruin Your Holidays

Your finances and identity are especially vulnerable during the holidays, so it’s important to be diligent as you shop online, book flights and make end-of-year donations. Here are some scams to watch out for this season as cybercriminals attempt to steal your money, information and holiday spirit.

Lonely at the Top: 4 Steps to Combat Entrepreneurial Isolation

Being an entrepreneur can be an extremely lonely endeavor. If you’ve ever had that lonely-at-the-top feeling, read on. We have four ideas to help you overcome the challenges of solitude and put you on a path to healthier leadership.
