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Be Dollar Wise
Resources and insights you need to know from our banking experts.
Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable

Customers, employees and investors are increasingly supportive of business leaders who are taking a sustainable approach to their business practices. If you’re looking to make meaningful changes toward environmental stewardship this year and beyond, we have ideas that may help strengthen your plans.

Saving Strategies for Your 20s and 30s

Here's how to develop a plan for saving in your 20s and 30s that will help with money management and cultivating sound financial habits that will serve you for life.

Saving Strategies for Your 40s and 50s
If you’re in your mid- to late 40s or early 50s, having savings goals and a solid strategy for reaching them is important, especially because you also have expenses that are competing for your dollars. But with careful planning and disciplined follow-through, you can set yourself up for a comfortable retirement even as you navigate your current expenses. 
How to Invigorate Your Business During Small Business Month

Small Business Month is an opportunity to put your business in the spotlight. Think of it as a one-month window to kick off the spring-summer season with a burst of momentum. We have some ideas that may help you do just that.

Elevate Your Social Media Marketing with These Fresh Strategies

Just as the social media landscape has evolved, so have strategies for getting the best results from your marketing using social platforms. Here are two strategies many companies have added to their social media efforts to strengthen their bonds with potential and established customers.

Financing Your Home Improvement Projects

There are countless ways to make your home feel homier — and potentially improve its market value. If your savings doesn’t cover your anticipated expenses for updating, repairing or building out your home, there are a variety of financing options you can explore. Read on for a look at some home financing alternatives.

Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

These time management tips are designed to help you reduce your stress, boost your productivity and performance, meet every deadline and enjoy your work like never before.

Proven Strategies for Growing Your Business in 2024

Each year brings new opportunities for strengthening and growing your business. If you are committed to growing your business in the coming year, consider incorporating some of the following proven strategies.

2 Ways to Pay Down Your Debt: Avalanche and Snowball Methods

Many people take stock of their debt at year-end and set goals for paying off, or paying down, any debt they’ve accumulated. Reaching those goals requires an intentional strategy, as well as discipline.

Financial experts often recommend one of the two common strategies for accelerating the repayment of debt: the debt avalanche method and the debt snowball method. Here’s information about each of these approaches to help you determine which may be right for you.

Take a Fresh Look at Recruiting and Talent
Whether breathing a sigh of relief or maintaining a “once bitten, twice shy” stance, business leaders and HR executives continue to focus on optimizing their approach to talent. What the Big Quit taught them was that their retention and recruitment success is incumbent upon understanding and supporting employees’ priorities. Employees had clearly demonstrated that if they didn’t feel supported by their employer, they would not hesitate to seek out greener pastures. It was a wake-up call that won’t soon be forgotten. As you look to continue strengthening your own talent program, you may want to consider these employee priorities.  