If you've ever had to wonder where you're going to get the money to cover unexpected medical costs or car repairs, home renovations or this year's vacation, then you already know how important savings can be. The money you save can serve as a safety net as well as a means to buy what you need or want. Saving empowers us by keeping our focus on our financial goals and providing a financial cushion in case we need it.
May is National Small Business Month! Communities across the nation benefit from the presence and activities of small businesses. Small companies are known for creating local jobs, keeping cash circulating through the economy, serving in civic leadership roles and otherwise promoting the stability and well-being of communities.
Are you preparing for deployment but aren’t sure how to get your finances in order before you go? Taking a few steps now can make money management easier while you’re away and will give you peace of mind.
Setting prices for goods or services is more than just a dollars-and-cents proposition for small businesses. These tips may help you evaluate your pricing strategy today and determine whether it’s doing all it can to support your profit margins, sales and brand image.
Nearly everyone is at risk of becoming a target of cyber and phone scams. However, there are some steps you can take to avoid being the next victim! Learn more about how to keep your finances safe from scammers.
If financial fitness is on your mind, why not take a fresh look at your budget and set some meaningful goals for yourself? Here are five tips for creating an effective budget and five more for help sticking with it.
Whether you host meetings, conferences, trade shows or other business events in person, virtually or in some combination of those depends on your particular goals, audience, budget and other factors. Take a look at some of the pros and cons of each type of event.
Due to a variety of global factors affecting the economy, prices have risen at the gas pump, grocery store and many other places we purchase goods and services. Understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with higher interest rates can help us manage our own finances to make the best of the current environment.